
January 18, 2024

How our field examination process works

When applying for a commercial loan, one important step in the process is the due diligence survey conducted by a member of our Bridge Business Credit field examination team.

The purpose of the field examination is to provide timely, on-site analysis and verification of the collateral assigned to the lending institution. The field exam illustrates the quality and performance of the borrower’s collateral and potential liabilities that could off-set its collection. The field exam also allows the lender to have a first-hand observation of the borrower’s operations and interact with its management team.

Highly regarded examiners are knowledgeable, personable, and diligent. They ensure that all parts of the exam have been covered and effectively communicate their findings internally. Good examiners know all the right questions to ask during an exam, with the ability to connect the dots, and understand and react to the answers they receive.

While other lenders may rely on third-party sourcing of field examiners, Bridge Business Credit has its own dedicated team of examiners led by Robert Gard. Robert and the team take the time to understand a client’s business and its needs to provide the most appropriate lending services possible.

The field examiner will also spend an appreciable amount of time at the borrower’s business and have access to the borrower’s books and records. While there, the examiner can observe the timeliness and accuracy of the client’s information flow. The examiner can also determine how up to date (or not) the borrower’s records are kept, and if they are capable of accurately reporting the required information to the lender on a timely basis.

In addition, field examiners verify all receivables of a borrower, and if applicable, conduct inventory test counts to determine how fast inventory turns over, and ensure that machinery and equipment offered as collateral exists.

Finally, the field examiner also researches the borrower’s tax status and liability to make sure tax obligations, such as sales and payroll taxes, are current.

One important benefit of having our own field examiners means that Bridge Business Credit can close and fund a loan within 21 to 30 days of the loan proposal’s acceptance, and within 30-45 days from application to closing – significantly faster than all competitors. We invite you to learn all about the application process, loan parameters, and more by visiting